As ICARS output and ambition continues to grow, it gives us great pleasure to welcome Dr. Sujith Chandy as our incoming Executive Director. Sujith brings with him both a wealth of experience from his distinguished career spanning leadership positions, teaching, research and clinical experience, and a clear passion for sustainably mitigating antimicrobial resistance.
The Executive Director will lead ICARS’ further development and science and operations teams, while working closely with the Board of Directors. In a recent interview Sujith expressed his clear vision for ICARS future and his enthusiasm to lead ICARS towards becoming: “a fundamental AMR player that engages Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), advises and supports diverse stakeholders, including governments and policymakers, and utilizes its convening power to build an active AMR movement.”
Rector Henrik Wegener, Chair of ICARS Board of Directors welcomed the Executive Director announcement saying:
“Sujith brings with him years of experience and an extended network from the global health and AMR field which will help to elevate ICARS’ global profile. The Board looks forward to working closely with him to bring the ICARS team and Board closer together and to steer ICARS’ strategic direction.”
Since becoming a self-governing organisation in November 2021, the role of Acting Executive Director has been diligently handled by our Director of Operations, Helle Engslund Krarup. Speaking about Sujith’s appointment Helle said:
“During the recruitment process, Sujith expressed a clear and inspiring vision for the development of ICARS. His first-hand experience and understanding of AMR challenges and ability to clearly articulate them will make him an excellent ambassador for ICARS. I really look forward to working closely with him in the new year.”
Ahead of his official appointment in Spring 2023, our Communications Officer Sephy Valuks had the pleasure of talking to Sujith about his fascinating career and how it has equipped him to lead the ICARS team to achieve our ambitious goals. The conversation provided an opportunity for Sujith to share his insightful perspectives on the importance of partnership, the role of Low-and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in tackling AMR, and what leadership means to him. You can read the full interview below.