14. May 2024

ICARS – A Year in Review 2023

ICARS is excited to share its key highlights and achievements in 2023 in the Year in Review report! In 2023, ICARS underwent significant organisational maturation, building upon the groundwork laid in preceding years. As our Executive Director took office, our expansion continued through collaborations with partners to implement and develop projects and activities, while also enhancing evidence generation to inform policy. We initiated new partnerships and strengthened existing ones nationally, regionally, and globally to advocate for country-owned antimicrobial resistance (AMR) solutions, alongside efforts to reinforce capacity and capabilities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Additionally, we successfully attracted new donors to support our mission and activities. To learn more about ICARS’ highlights in 2023, read the document below.

For the full annual report, please click here.