On 16th November 2024, the AMR MSPP hosted their 2nd Annual Plenary Assembly in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on the sidelines of the 4th Global Hight-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR.
The Platform’s Plenary focused on discussing and proposing concrete, practical and actionable solutions for mitigating AMR across human, animal, agricultural and environmental sectors through a One Health approach. Drawing on the outcomes of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level meeting, the political declaration, and the deliberations from the High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR, the assembly focused on how stakeholders in the global AMR community can contribute to the implementation of these commitments to address AMR.

What is the MSPP?
The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform, established and facilitated by the Quadripartite organizations (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH), aims to catalyse a global movement for action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by fostering cooperation between a diverse range of stakeholders at all levels across the One Health spectrum. It seeks to ensure a healthier, more sustainable and resilient present and future in which antimicrobials are preserved as critical lifesaving medicines accessible to everyone.
How does ICARS participate?
ICARS is an active partner to the MSPP, co-chairing the MSPP Action Group on resource mobilization with GIZ and the Global AMR R&D Hub. Furthermore, ICARS actively contributes to the stewardship action group, provided input to the recommendations to the UN General Assembly declaration action group, and attends the Financing action group as needed.

What are the MSPP goals?
The Platform aims to contribute to the Global Action Plan (GAP) and National Action Plans on AMR (NAPs) through the implementation of the following objectives:
- Promote a shared vision for action to tackle AMR: Engaging all relevant stakeholders across the human, animal, plant, and environment sectors to build a global vision, narrative, and targets for actions to tackle AMR.
- Information-sharing and networking: Providing a venue for knowledge-sharing and collaboration to reach a common understanding and enable coordination of activities between the different sectors, regions, disciplines and stakeholders at all levels.
- Support concrete actions that substantially advance progress in mitigating AMR: Drawing on advice and evidence from relevant global governance mechanisms (e.g., the GLG on AMR, and the IPEA) and academic and scientific institutions, to identify and gain support for priority areas for action.

Key takeaways from the event
The in-person, one-day event in Jeddah made evident that:
- The MSPP is a critical network, bringing together more than 250 members from diverse backgrounds. The in-person gathering made evident the value such a platform can have in facilitating cross-sectoral discussion, pooling resources and importantly bridging research, policy, and implementation.
- The MSPP is action oriented, one of the participatory sessions, organised like a world café, dissected the UNGA High-Level political declaration into commitment areas, and unpacked each area to identify key gaps and challenges, propose actions and solutions, and develop indicators for success. These deliberations will serve as the basis for further discussions on how the MSPP can support implementation of the declaration’s commitments.
- The Action Groups achieved a lot in the past year, and its participants are keen to continue and intensify the work in the coming year with a focus on contributing to the implementation of the global commitments expressed in the UNGA High-Level political declaration.
ICARS looks forward to continued engagement with the platform over the coming year, contributing to the network by sharing knowledge and helping to prioritise areas for action.