Capacity building for antibiotic residue training in Georgian poultry in collaboration with the Danish Veterinary and Food Agency (DVFA)
In Georgia, the National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) was developed in 2017 to define a unified policy against antimicrobial resistance. This strategy is being implemented in a coordinated manner by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA). Since then, huge strides have been made in the implementation of actions to control the development and spread of AMR in the human health sector in Georgia, but gaps remain in implementing the NAP in the animal sector.
This activity supports an ICARS-funded project in Georgia and will support several components of the project by building capacity at the State Laboratory of Agriculture (SLA) to appropriately conduct microbiological testing, antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST), and residue-testing. This activity contributes to addressing the following elements of the NAP:
- Initiating monitoring of antibiotics used in veterinary medicine including monitoring residues in products of animal origin,
- Increasing awareness of AMR and use of safe feed among veterinarians and farmers, and
- Strengthening/expanding monitoring of bacterial contamination in food of animal origin food (including strengthening laboratory capacity).
Project overview
- Improved capacity to test for antibiotic residues in poultry meat in Georgia.
- Two trainings one held at the FVST laboratory and one in Georgia.
- 4 staff from the State Laboratory of Agriculture trained on residue-testing methodology.

Region: Europe
Sector: Terrestrial and Aquatic Animals
Country: Georgia
Type: Supporting activity
Country partners: Georgia State Laboratory of Agriculture (SLA)
Funding partners: Danish Veterinary and Food Agency (DVFA)
Timescale: 11 July 2022 – Q1 2024
Lead Advisor

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