Prof. Renate Hartwig

Renate Hartwig is Professor of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen and the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, Germany.
She is a development economist and demographer. Her expertise lies in global health problems including antimicrobial resistance. She studies health care and product markets, health care financing systems, and health care provider and patient behavior. In current work, Renate studies, for example, antibiotic use by humans and in livestock production in Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Renate is also Lead Investigator and Member of the Executive Committee of the Leibniz Research Alliance INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World – Humans, Animals, Environment, an interdisciplinary research group which develops new strategies and methods for early warning and outbreak management systems to control the spread of (resistant) pathogens. In her other work she is researching the role of religion in access to and quality of health care, the role of religious messaging for health and fertility preferences. Renate’s methodological expertise are in randomized control trials, field experiments, survey design and econometric methods. She has a keen interest in decolonizing knowledge, opening up opportunities and capacity strengthening. In the past she has provided technical advice to governments and the Global North and South and interacted with the media on topics including social protection, health system strengthening and AMR.