The 7th World One Health Congress, held in Singapore from 7-11 November 2022 was a five-day hybrid event attended by experts from various disciplines, including leading scientists and policymakers to discuss and advance the One health agenda. The Congress programme spanned five distinctive programme tracks:
- One Health Science
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Environment, policy, and biosecurity
- Impact of vaccines and one health surveillance on Pandemic Preparedness and public health security
- Impact on and innovations in clinical practice.
The programme included opening remarks from Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation, and Dr. Monique Eloit, Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health. Keynote sessions from other high-level speakers included Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance and Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome.

During the action-packed programme, on 9th November Dr. Robert Skov, ICARS Scientific Director, presented on a panel entitled ‘science-based AMR governance and policy implementation’. He emphasized that for multi-stakeholder engagement across sectors and levels is imperative to mitigate AMR sustainably. He further presented ICARS’ model of working top-down and bottom-up to co-develop and implement cost-effective and context-specific AMR solutions in Low-Middle-Income Countries. Robert concluded his presentation with examples of ICARS projects, and a discussion about our vision for sustainable scale-up.
The event provided a great opportunity to network during the congress and meet with potential partner organisations via side-meetings. One such productive side meeting, was held with David Patterson, Mo Yin, Li Yang Hsu, and Trisha Peel to discuss possible future collaborations on intervention-implementation research projects in the Western Pacific region.
Overall, the Congress was a successful and inspiring event, we valued the chance to connect with others over the importance of One Health and look forward to ICARS having a bigger presence at the next World One Health Congress in Cape Town in 2024.