2. May 2024

Enhancing Stewardship Efforts through Partnership Development in Kenya

In February 2024, Dr Jyoti Joshi and Dr Fabian Maza from the ICARS Science team travelled to Kenya in connection with the TANDEM-ABX project. Their focus was on scoping human health and strengthening stewardship efforts in the country. The visit aimed to foster collaboration, evaluate progress, and chart the course for future endeavours. 

Forging Partnerships 

ICARS engaged with several key stakeholders including representatives from the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and the Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP). These discussions aimed to elucidate objectives and foster coordination of stewardship efforts in Kenya, particularly regarding novel last-resort antibiotics. Impactful discussions with Ministry of Health officials and local researchers underscored the importance of integrating diverse expertise. 

The Antimicrobial Stewardship Preparedness Project 

The AMS Preparedness project, in collaboration with GARDP, aims to enhance antimicrobial stewardship preparedness and the implementation of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures. Discussions with Aga Khan University‘s Lab and Infectious Diseases teams, alongside site visits to various healthcare facilities, including Kijabe Hospital, Nairobi West Hospital, and Mbagathi Hospital, provided invaluable insights into the healthcare landscape and project implementation. Discussions with field site Healthcare Managers and AMS/IPC teams highlighted the significance of local engagement and capacity-building initiatives. 

The Kenya SSI Project 

The SSI project aims to optimise Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis (SAP) and reduce the burden of inappropriate antimicrobial use in Kenya. During their visit, the ICARS team had the opportunity to meet with Emmanuel Tannui, the AMR Focal Point at MoH Kenya, who reaffirmed the projects relevance and the commitment to collaborative efforts in addressing healthcare challenges. 

Moving Forward 

The visit produced valuable insights and provided a better understanding of the ongoing work in the country. Looking forward, ICARS is eager to continue the collaboration with GARDP, CHAI, FIND, AKU, and the Kenyan Ministry of Health to address the issue of AMR in the country.