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How can efforts to implement Antimicrobial Resistance National Action Plans still progress despite the COVID-19 pandemic?
There is no doubt COVID-19 currently represents the most obvious and urgent issue for global health security and the world is rightfully focused on tackling this pandemic. However, the challenges posed by COVID-19 are only a foretaste of what antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can mean to the world without appropriate interventions. AMR, the silent pandemic, can impact many of the global health achievements of past decades and jeopardize efforts to deliver on many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This webinar provides an opportunity to gain insights into current efforts to continuously move forward the agenda of combatting AMR amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Key experts and opinion leaders will share their strategic reflections and insights focusing on what evidence and data are currently available and how best to leverage them into action to tackle AMR, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
This event is co-hosted by ICARS, the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), and the Embassy of Denmark in Korea. Speakers from ICARS, IVI, WHO and the UK will lead the panel discussion. Please join the conversation and ask questions to our panel using this registration form.