Join our network of Mission Partners!

ICARS’ mission is to partner with Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) to co-develop antimicrobial resistance (AMR) solutions that mobilise AMR National Action Plan (NAP) implementation.

To effectively succeed on our mission, we rely on the guidance of our partners to ensure that our work stays relevant and has maximum impact.

To facilitate closer and more strategic collaboration with our country partners, beyond specific projects, we therefore invite countries that support the vision and mission of ICARS and commit to mitigate AMR nationally and within their region to become an ICARS Mission Partner.

By becoming a Mission Partner, countries not only join the ICARS family as a trusted advisory partner, but also connect with a network of likeminded countries committed to sustainably mitigating AMR.

What you get

Joining our network of Mission Partner provides access to:

  • Annual Partners Meeting: Mission Partners are invited to participate in ICARS’ Annual Partners Meeting, where we gather our Strategic Funding Partners, Funding Partners, Mission Partners, and Implementation Partners to exchange experiences on mitigating AMR in different settings. This meeting also allows for dialogue on the global agenda for AMR and how to jointly create progress impact. The meeting is chaired by ICARS’ Executive Director.
  • Regional seminars: To facilitate knowledge-transfer and cross-country learning Mission Partners are invited to participate in ICARS’ annual regional seminars where governments and stakeholders come together to share learnings, solutions and challenges and discuss ways to push the AMR agenda within the region.
  • Capacity and capability building: To ensure that our project partners have the competencies needed to effectively implement and sustain AMR solutions, ICARS facilitates capacity and capability building of LMIC policymakers, champions, prescribers, dispensers, consumers, and users of antimicrobials, amongst others, through relevant training and engagement. In the first instance, we target researchers and individuals that are part of our projects, and in the second instance we will prioritise our Mission Partners.   

What we ask

In exchange we ask that your country signs a Statement of Support that:

  • Expresses support to the vision and mission of ICARS
  • Commits to actively promote the AMR agenda nationally and within the region
  • Confirms a dedication to act as ambassadors for ICARS

Please note that being a Mission Partner does not entail any financial obligations. We do however welcome in-kind support, where relevant.

ICARS Mission Partners













