FARM interventions to control antimicrobial resistance (FARM-CARE)

FARM CARE proposes a holistic approach that considers all three One Health settings (animals, humans, and the environment). The first intervention is based on the control of stress and AMR transmission between pigs by eliminating the common practice of mixing individuals from different litters and administering antimicrobials to both clinically diseased and healthy pigs within the same pen (intervention A). This is the intervention that will be tested in Colombia.

The second intervention focuses on prevention of AMR transmission to farm workers and the general population by implementing a package of biosecurity measures (intervention B).
Furthermore, FARM-CARE will design and evaluate two new machine learning tools for early detection of stressed piglets that are predisposed to become sick and require antimicrobial treatment: 1) facial expression analysis (intervention C); and 2) faecal metagenomics (intervention D).


Resource type: Project summary

Date: 18. July 2023

Author: ICARS

Region: Latin America

Sector: One Health