Improving the management of urinary tract infections in women using innovative community engagement approaches

Guided by the Wellcome ‘Responsive Dialogues on Drug Resistance Infections’ framework and toolkit, this project will carry out Responsive Dialogues (RD) in three locations to identify contextually relevant solutions to mitigate AMR in the context of UTIs. RD uses a participatory-based approach to address the gap between local realities and policies by facilitating dialogue, learning and solutions to enable change in attitudes, behaviours, policies, and practices on the use of antimicrobials. Using the approach, stakeholders jointly examine and unpack evidence, data and messages provided by researchers and experts and produce solutions to address the issues, which will inform national policies. The project engages stakeholders, decision makers and communities affected by or working on UTIs.


Resource type: Project summary

Date: 18. July 2023

Author: ICARS

Region: Africa

Sector: Humans