Gender & Equity in AMR Research – Webinar
In December 2023, ICARS hosted a webinar on integrating gender and equity considerations in antimicrobial resistance research, alongside the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), and Jive Media Africa.
The webinar introduced the new resource “Practical Pathways to Integrating Gender and Equity Considerations in Antimicrobial Resistance Research”, which consolidates evidence on antimicrobial resistance, gender and equity from a human and animal health perspective.
Developed in partnership with global AMR researchers and experts, this resource enables antimicrobial resistance research teams with diverse technical backgrounds to address the complexities of intersecting genders throughout the research cycle.
Watch the webinar recording below:
Resource type: Video
Date: 23. January 2024
Author: ICARS, IDRC, HSRC, MORU, and Jive Media Africa
Region: Cross-regional
Sector: One Health
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