Gender and equity considerations in AMR research: a systematic scoping review


Research on gender and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) beyond women’s biological susceptibility is limited. A gender and equity lens in AMR research is necessary to promote gender equality and support the effectiveness, uptake, and sustainability of real-world AMR solutions. We argue that it is an ethical and social justice imperative to include gender and related intersectional issues in AMR research and implementation. An intersectional exploration of the interplay between people’s diverse identities and experiences, including their gender, socio-economic status, race, disability, age, and sexuality, may help us understand how these factors rein-force AMR risk and vulnerability and ensure that interventions to reduce the risk of AMR do not impact unevenly. This paper reports on the findings of a systematic scoping review on the interlinkages between AMR, gender, and other socio-behavioural characteristics to identify priority knowledge gaps in human and animal health in LMICs. The review focused on peer-reviewed and grey literature published between 2017 and 2022. Three overarching themes were gendered division of caregiving roles and responsibilities, gender power relations in decision-making, and interactions between gender norms and health-seeking behaviours. Research that fails to account for gender and its intersections with other lines of disadvantage, such as race, class, and ability, risks being irrelevant and will have little impact on the continued and dangerous spread of AMR. We provide recommendations for integrating an intersectional gender lens in AMR research, policy, and practice.

Keywords AMR · Gender · Equity · Intersectionality · LMICs


Resource type: Article

Date: 27. April 2024

Publisher: Monash Bioethics Review

Author: Ingrid Lynch, Lorenza Fluks, Lenore Manderson, Nazeema Isaacs, Roshin Essop, Ravikanya Praphasawat, Lyn Middleton, Bhensri Naemiratch